Bexhill care home residents enjoy the benefits of art therapy

Regular art therapy sessions at a Bexhill care home have been sparking laughter, smiles and lots of engagement among the home’s residents who are at various stages along their dementia journey. The sessions at Ambleside Care Home Bexhill , run by experienced art therapy practitioners and organised through Equal Arts, have provided a multi-sensory approach […]

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Protecting a loved one with dementia who wanders

Sussex Police offer valuable advice and support to family members and carers to help protect loved ones living with dementia. The Herbert Protocol is a national scheme, introduced by the police in partnership with other agencies, which encourages carers to compile useful information which could be used in the event of a vulnerable person going […]

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Robotic pets can bring comfort and joy

Robotic pets are becoming a more and more common sight in care homes across the country as evidence mounts that these furry companions really do have the capacity to improve the well-being of people living with dementia.  Research studies at 3 separate universities in the UK have produced encouraging results with the robotic pets being […]

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