Ambleside Specialist Dementia & EMI Care Home & Community For The Elderly in Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex
Call 01424 219 821 or visit www.AmblesideCare.co.uk
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Finding activities to help a loved one with dementia stay focused and engaged
Memory problems can have a big impact on a person’s confidence. Frustration, loss of motivation and anxiousness - all common[...]
Holby City features prominent dementia storyline
Alzheimer's Society have worked closely with BBC show Holby City to portray the complex emotions people have to come to[...]
4 unhelpful myths about dementia debunked
Fear of dementia and its potentially devastating effects looms large in the minds of many, but myths and misunderstandings have[...]
How can respite care help family carers?
Caring for a loved one with dementia can be a rewarding, positive and fulfilling experience, but as anyone who has[...]
Unforgettable … the songs you first heard as a teenager
Music holds the capacity to connect with people in a way few other things can, and research from University College[...]
Bexhill care home residents enjoy the benefits of art therapy
Regular art therapy sessions at a Bexhill care home have been sparking laughter, smiles and lots of engagement among the[...]